Iron Deficiency Anaemia (secondary to menorrhagia)

42 years old lady came to us with lethargy, shortness of breath on exertion and palpitation.

She was noted pale with heart rate of 90/min. Further questioning revealed that she has prolonged menses for a couple of weeks prior to seeing us.

Full Blood Picture & Serum Iron was done and showed low Haemoglobin level of 8.4 g/dL, hypochromic and microcytic red blood cells, thrombocytosis and low serum iron.

1. Symptomatic Iron Deficiency Anaemia, likely secondary to menorrhagia

She was prescribed with haematinics for 2 months, and was referred to gynaecologist for further management of her menorrhagia.

Repeat Full Blood Picture and Thalassemia Studies was done 2 months later:

Haemoglobin level was normalized at 12.9g/dL, near normocytic and normochromic red blood cells, and negative for thalassemia screening. She is well with no more anaemic symptoms.

Update from the client, she has uterine fibroid under gynaecologist follow up. Subsequent menstrual cycle were normal.

Final Diagnosis:
1. Resolved Symptomatic Iron Deficiency Anaemia(secondary to menorrhagia)
2. Uterine Fibroid